The Tele MANAS initiative, officially named Tele Mental Health Assistance and Networking Across States, represents a groundbreaking effort by the Government of India to address...
Lupin Life, the consumer healthcare division of global pharma major Lupin Limited (Lupin) today announced the flag-off of its Aptivate Achi BhookhFestin Mumbai and its...
Balbir Singh, CEO, Great Place To Work, IndiaOn World Mental Health Day, we must recognize that creating safe spaces for employees to express their mental...
Balbir Singh, CEO, Great Place To Work, IndiaOn World Mental Health Day, we must recognize that creating safe spaces for employees to express their mental...
Dr. Raghavendra Ramanjulu, Lead Consultant - Palliative Medicine & Rehabilitation Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in numerous bodily functions....