In the heart of Ladakh's challenging winters, the “Lamas of Light” initiative celebrated a significant milestone with the successful launch of its first phase at...
Zuno General Insurance, a new age digital insurer proudly announces the successful deployment and the integration of Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) ID withZuno’s...
In a momentous gathering that reshaped the landscape of human resources, SVKM’s NMIMS Indore Campus proudly hosted the unprecedented 'HR Conclave-People Puzzle'. The event...
SOUTHCO INTRODUCES NEW TM-10-101-24 DOOR LATCH Southco has introduced a new door latch, the TM-10-101-24. This surface-mounted latch actuates with a simple button push and smooth...
A 100-bed Yoga and Naturopathy Hospital will be built in Dibrugarh, which will be the first in North East India. Union AYUSH Minister along with the...